Tonight's concert is ON!
We just received the okay to have our band and orchestra concert tonight. As discussed yesterday, this means your attendance is required and is part of your class grade. Please read through the following information carefully!
• The pool entrance at the high school will be open at 6:30 for anyone who needs to get their instrument, percussion equipment, etc. (Percussionists, make sure you grab anything you need in addition to the equipment at the JCA. If you're not sure if something is available at the JCA, get it from the HS band room just in case!)
• If you ordered a black shirt, please pick it up in the high school band office between 6:30 and 6:50. Ties were not able to be delivered due to school being closed, so if you ordered one, it's okay for you to not have a tie for tonight's performance.
• Warmup begins promptly at 7:00. (This means you are arriving BEFORE 7:00!) Concert Band will be in the JCA dressing room. Symphonic Band is in the Junior High band room. SB students, please give yourself plenty of time to get there - plan to arrive early!
• Concert order is:
1. Concert Band
2. Concert Orchestra
3. Symphonic Band
4. Sinfonia
5. Combined orchestras
As with ALL our concerts, all students are required to stay through the end of the concert. You are not allowed to leave after your group performs. Please be great attentive, supportive audience members for the other ensembles.
• This concert should last about one hour.
See you tonight!